Last updated: 17 Jul 2020 02:46 Posted in:

As a Commonwealth accredited organisation, AIA supports the the statement on Covid-19 which commits to a joint effort to combat the devestating impact of the conronavirus pandemic.

AIA chief executive, Philip Turnbull said: "As global professional accountancy body, AIA are acutely aware of the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic on individuals, families, communities and businesses. I welcome the Commonwealth's joint statement on Covid-19, committing to working transparently and constructively within the Commonwealth family and with its international partners to address the effects of Covid-19. As a Commonwealth Accredited Organisation, AIA will do everything we can to support the aims of building resilience, particularly for developing economies and the most vulnerable countries.

"Our members have already played a vital role supporting businesses through the crisis and minimising financial difficulty and we, in turn, have supported them with guidance, resources and advice to ensure they can play a part in safeguarding future prosperity. I look forward to continuing to work alongside government, the Commonwealth and other stakeholders to do all we can to support the global economy, protect jobs and minimise economic damage."

Read the full statement here.